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  • Writer's pictureGowtham

Sitecore OrderCloud Headstart Installation Guide – Part 4

Updated: Feb 26, 2023

In this guide (Part 4), you will learn how to set up and configure the Middleware Project locally. The steps and instructions provided will help you successfully complete the installation process and run middleware on your local machine. The Middleware Project acts as a connector between the Buyer/Seller and the OrderCloud API.

In Part 1, we cloned the Headstart repository from Sitecore Github. Now, in order to continue the installation process, we need to open the Headstart.sln file from the cloned repository. To do this, follow these steps:

  • Navigate to the location where the Headstart repository was cloned in Part 1.

  • Locate the Headstart.sln file.

  • Right-click on the file and select “Open” or “Open with Visual Studio”.

  • Visual Studio will open and load the Headstart solution.

  • Build the solution to restore all the nuget packages

  • Upon the successful build create appSettings.json on root of Headstart.API project

  • Copy the contents of AppSettingConfigTemplate.json which is located in “assets\templates\AppSettingConfigTemplate.json”

  • Fill in the required values in the appSettings.json file using the information obtained from the provided steps

Getting OrderCloud Marketplace Name and ID

  • Create a new Marketplace in your OrderCloud environment

  • Obtain the OrderCloud Marketplace name and ID

  • Detailed steps for creating Marketplace can be found on the official site

  • Use the Unique Identifier and Marketplace Name to update the below settings in appSettings.json

"OrderCloudSettings:MarketplaceID": "0spWGNkxDcIK5Msz",   "OrderCloudSettings:MarketplaceName": "Headstart",

Getting Storage Account Connection String

  • Launch Azure Storage Explorer.

  • Navigate to the “local-1” blob container.

  • In the bottom left side of the pane, locate the “Primary Connection String”.

  • Copy the “Primary Connection String” to your clipboard.

  • If the properties are not visible, right-click on “local-1” and select “Properties”.

  • Open the appSettings.json file in a text editor.

  • Locate the section in the file where the connection string is stored.

  • Replace the existing connection string with the one you copied from Azure Storage Explorer.

  • Save the appSettings.json file.

"StorageAccountSettings:ConnectionString": "{YourConnectionString}", "StorageAccountSettings:BlobPrimaryEndpoint": "{YourBlobPrimaryEndpoint}",

Starting the Middleware application

  • Open Visual Studio and Load the Headstart.sln solution

  • Right-click on the Headstart.API project

  • Select “Properties” from the context menu

  • Navigate to the “Debug” tab

  • Click on the “Open debug launch profiles UI” button

  • In the Launch Profile popup, select “Create New Profile”

  • Choose “Project” as the type for the new profile

  • Name the new profile “Headstart Demo” and close the popup

  • Select the “Headstart Demo” debug profile from the list

  • Click the “Run” button to start the Headstart.API project

  • If the configurations are properly set up, a Command Prompt will start and listen on ports 25719 and 25720

  • This will launch the Swagger UI in your web browser, displaying the list of OrderCloud APIs


In this blog, we have successfully run the Headstart.API project. In our next blog, we will seed our OrderCloud data and install the dependencies for the Buyer and Seller Apps.


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